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My Story

After walking through a department store many years ago I was taken aback with all of the scents and how they invoke memories instantly.  Whether it reminded me of a place I had been, a special time, or even a person, I realized how powerful and amazing scents can be.  I realized that candles are like little magic vessels of memories and moods. 

I'm also an actor and realize how important scent can be to creating characters, environments, and memories!  Both outlets give me artistic satisfaction and a way to share an 'escape' by creating a mood.  I wanted to create a candle line that has a clean modern design that can fit into everyone's home decor, top shelf minimal ingredients, high quality fragrance oils, affordable, and most of all, creates a mood!  There's even a bit of HOLLYWOOD MAGIC in every candle.  My favorite aspect is watching people smell a candle and their eyes light up with emotions and stories!


Over the years I have poured and mixed a huge variety of scents and have come up with a collection that I believe you will find a favorite.  I try to preserve favorite classic scents, while introducing fresh modern trends.  All of the fragrance oils are high grade, Phthalate free.  I use a paracoco blend of wax, which I think gives us the best of both worlds.  

John Ames Creatives continues to be a one-man band, and everything is done by hand.  I consider each candle special and unique since no two are exactly alike.  Thank you for visiting us and now, go make a mood!

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